Skippers D’ Islande 2009 Aflýst

/ mars 13, 2009

ImageSamkvæmt upplýsingum frá Emile Poidevin, forsvarsmanni keppnnar er keppninni því miður aflýst þetta árið vegna ónógrar þátttöku. Undirbúningur er í gangi fyrir árið 2010, þar sem ætlunin er að keppnin verði undirbúningskeppni fyrir La Route du Rhum.

Dear Kristian,
We hurry to answer you. I know that you are going to be disapointed but news are not good.
Two weeks ago, we spoke with the ambassador of Iceland, passing through Paimpol and the Mayor of Paimpol, about the difficulties which we meet to organize the fourth edition of race. And we met last week our friends of Gravelines.
We reached the conclusion that because of the too weak number of registrations inscriptions with regard to the commitments taken with our partners, the wisdom wants that we decide to postpone the race.
This one, to our big regret, will not take place in June, 2009.
But we already are working to organize it in 2010.
We make contacts so that she appears in the calendar of the big races.
We ask, particularly that the race become qualifying for “La Route du Rhum”, what would guarantee us a sufficient number of boats.
We repeat you our disappointment and our regrets but we assure you of our friendship.
Best regards

Emile Poidevin, président

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